• Ulasan
  • Market Review

Market Review

Weekly Market Review (25 March 2019) - What happened & What's next?

US market moved to negative territory after poor Germany’s PMI data released on Friday (-1.9%DoD), wiping out previous days’ gains (-0.8%WoW). On the other hand, Asian equities edged higher this past week on dovish Fed and good corporate results out of China. The FOMC meeting confirmed the Fed’s bias shifting…

Weekly Market Review (8 March 2019) - What happened & What's next?

Global markets closed the week higher with S&P 500 posted +2.9% WoW and DJI +1.6% WoW (DJI posted lower gain due to higher weighting on Boeing stock). China’s Premier Premier Li Keqiang highlighted stimulus to smoothen the downward economy pressure. On the other hand, investors will be focusing on the…

Weekly Market Review (25 February 2019) - What happened & What's next?

Global indexes continued their positive momentum with Dow Jones and Nasdaq booked the ninth straight weekly gain. Growing hopes that US and China can strike a tariff pact has bolstered market optimism. Last Friday, Trump described negotiations with China as having a ‘very good chance’ of resulting in a deal,…