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Market Review

Weekly Market Review (24 Oktober 2022) - What happened and What's Next (Apa yang terjadi dan apa selanjutnya)

Indeks global ditutup beragam minggu lalu, indeks AS berada di zona hijau sementara indeks China ditutup negatif. Indeks SPX dan DJI masing-masing naik +4.7% WoW dan 4.9% WoW seiring dengan meredanya ekspektasi kenaikan tingkat suku bunga yang agresif.

Weekly Market Review (17 Oktober 2022) - What happened and What's Next (Apa yang terjadi dan apa selanjutnya)

Indeks global kembali melemah setelah sempat bangkit pada pekan sebelumnya, terutama setelah investor mencerna kembali adanya tekanan inflasi. Indeks S&P 500 menurun sebesar -1,6%WoW dan indeks MSCI Asia ex-Japan juga menurun sebesar -4,2%WoW. 

Weekly Market Review (10 Oct 2022) - What happened and What's Next

Global indexes regained traction last week with S&P 500 up by +1.5% WoW and MSCI Asia ex-Japan up by +2.0% WoW as softer US data and a smaller hike by the RBA led to hopes that a Fed pause may be around the corner, on top of the oversold conditions…

Weekly Market Review (03 Oct 2022) - What happened and What's Next

Global indexes continued its decline last week with DJI and SPX each down by -2.9% WoW. News on Bank of England's (BOE) intervention in the bond market caused worries on financial markets and sent equities lower on Wednesday. 

Weekly Market Review (03 Oct 2022) - What happened and What's Next

Global indexes continued its decline last week with DJI and SPX each down by -2.9% WoW. News on Bank of England's (BOE) intervention in the bond market caused worries on financial markets and sent equities lower on Wednesday. 

Weekly Market Review (26 Sept 2022) - What happened and What's Next

Global indexes continue to tumble with S&P 500, Dow Jones, and MSCI Asia ex Japan dropped by respectively -4.6%WoW, -4.0%WoW, -4.3%WoW, hammered by the Fed’s hawkish stance in recent FOMC meeting. 

Weekly Market Review (19 Sept 2022) - What happened and What's Next

Global indexes were hammered last week with S&P 500 down by -4.8% WoW and MSCI Asia ex-Japan down by -2.7% WoW, on the back of higher than estimated August inflation number.

Weekly Market Review (12 Sept 2022) - What happened and What's Next

Global indexes were closed higher last week with US indexes snapped their three straight weeks of losses (SPX +3.6% WoW and DJI +2.7% WoW). US indexes rebounded sharply likely on technically oversold conditions as investors appeared to have priced in a larger rate hike in September.