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Market Review

Surat Pemberitahuan Terkait Akun Media Sosial

Sehubungan dengan adanya aktivitas sejumlah grup media sosial dan situs web online yang melakukan penawaran investasi ilegal dengan mengatasnamakan nama perusahaan kami PT Batavia Prosperindo Aset Manajemen dan menggunakan atribut perusahaan kami, termasuk tetapi tidak terbatas pada logo dan nama serta foto pengurus perusahaan kami, maka dengan ini kami sampaikan…

Surat Pemberitahuan Terkait Akun Media Sosial

Sehubungan dengan adanya aktivitas sejumlah grup media sosial dan situs web online yang melakukan penawaran investasi ilegal dengan mengatasnamakan nama perusahaan kami PT Batavia Prosperindo Aset Manajemen dan menggunakan atribut perusahaan kami, termasuk tetapi tidak terbatas pada logo dan nama serta foto pengurus perusahaan kami, maka dengan ini kami sampaikan…

Weekly Market Review (15 Feb 2021) - What happened and What's Next?

Global equities continued to rally with S&P and Dow Jones each up by +1.2% WoW driven by optimism over stimulus and lower covid infection rates. Democrats pushed half of President Joe Biden's USD 1.9tn Covid-19 relief plan through a House Committee despite of strong opposition from Republicans. Included in the…

Weekly Market Review (8 Feb 2021) - What happened and What's Next?

Global equities showed a strong rebound across the board (SPX +4.6%WoW; DJI +3.9%WoW; MXASJ +5%WoW; MSCI EM +4.9%WoW) along increasing recovery expectation after USD1.9tn Covid Relief Package that has been passed by Senate, as well as fading fears of retail trading in some Reddit stocks. Janet Yellen also commented towards…

Weekly Market Review (1 Feb 2021) - What happened and What's Next?

Global equities pulled back as volatility rose sharply amid a battle between retail traders and brokers/short sellers in the US. Risk-off was the order of the week as MSCI Asia ex-Japan declined by -4.9% WoW whilst S&P 500 gave up -3.3% WoW. 

Weekly Market Review (25 Jan 2021) - What happened and What's Next?

Global equities continued to power ahead with AeJ equities gaining another +3.4% WoW, outperforming S&P index (+1.9% WoW). Growth/tech stocks massively outperformed value/cyclicals both in AeJ and US market. US 4Q20 earnings beat expectations as 86% of S&P companies have reported positive EPS surprises. US data such as PMI and…

Weekly Market Review (18 Jan 2021) - What happened and What's Next?

Global equities mixed with AeJ equities index up by +0.5%WoW, while SPX and DJI down by -1.5%WoW and -0.9%WoW, respectively. Growth stocks led by tech sector gained in China and Taiwan, while in the contrary, US tech/growth stocks handed in its past gain. As Biden finally disclosed its Covid-19 relief…

Weekly Market Review (11 Jan 2021) - What happened and What's Next?

Global equities booked gains last week as Democrats took control of the US Senate that could lead to higher stimulus packages, with MSCI Asia ex-Japan gaining +5.2% WoW and S&P 500 up by +1.8% WoW. Economic data also continue on the uptrend with US ISM services index in Dec. recording…