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Market Review

Weekly Market Review (26 April 2021) - What happened and What's Next?

Global indices delivered mixed results last week with S&P 500 down by -0.1% WoW while MSCI Asia ex-Japan gained +0.5% WoW, as yields continued to stabilize. Republicans proposed USD 568bn of infrastructure alternative this past week (to be funded by user fees and leftover funds from pandemic-related spending), but much…

Weekly Market Review (19 April 2021) - What happened and What's Next?

US indexes were closed higher last week, S&P and Dow Jones gained +1.4% WoW and +1.2% WoW respectively as yields continued to stabilize. US Treasury yields dived to one-month lows on Thursday as a possible safe haven bid related to increase geopolitical risks, along with Japanese buying and technical factors…

Weekly Market Review (12 April 2021) - What happened and What's Next?

Global equities mixed with US equities recorded a gain (DJIA 2.0%WoW; S&P 2.7%WoW) but Asian equities lagged (-0.6%WoW). The rise of US Tech and Growth stocks was on the back UST 10-year stabilization, supported by downplay inflation concern move by the Fed and rising doubt in eventual timing and size…

Weekly Market Review (5 April 2021) - What happened and What's Next?

Global equities ended the week higher with S&P 500 up by +2.8% WoW and MSCI Asia ex-Japan +3.4%, recovering from the losses in previous week. Economic data remain strong with US ISM manufacturing surged to 64.7 in March, far above expectations of 61.5. A variety of developments including moderation of…

Weekly Market Review (22 March 2021) - What happened and What's Next?

Global equities declined for the past week (S&P 500 -0.8%WoW; DJIA -0.5%WoW; MSCI ex Japan -0.8%WoW), as US 10Y bond yield continue to rise, despite The Fed’s dovish message. The investors seem to perceive that The Fed’s stronger economic projections indicated that the Fed would let inflation overshoot, hence, the…


Sehubungan dengan adanya aktivitas sejumlah grup media sosial dan situs web online yang melakukan penawaran investasi ilegal dengan mengatasnamakan nama perusahaan kami PT Batavia Prosperindo Aset Manajemen dan menggunakan atribut perusahaan kami, termasuk tetapi tidak terbatas pada logo dan nama serta foto pengurus perusahaan kami

Weekly Market Review (01 March 2021) - What happened and What's Next?

•Global equities showed a pull back (DJIA -1.8%WoW; S&P -2.4%WoW), particularly on Asia equities (MXASJ -6.2%WoW), as rising US yields which rattled investor sentiment. The reflation trade might be a dominant topic that highly put pressure on stretched equity valuation. The direction of US bond market might influence the equity…

Penerapan Biaya Laporan ReksaDana Elektronik - Pemegang Unit Penyertaan

Sehubungan dengan Surat Edaran Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (”OJK”) No. 01/SEOJK.04/2020 tanggal 17 Februari 2020 tentang Tata Cara Penyampaian Surat atau Bukti Konfirmasi dan Pelaporan Berkala Reksa Dana Secara Elektronik Melalui Sistem Pengelolaan Investasi Terpadu, Surat OJK Nomor S-19/D.04/2021 tanggal 17 Februari 2021 perihal Tanggapan Surat Dewan Asosiasi Pelaku Reksa Dana…