21 October 2024

Weekly Market Review

What Happened & What's Next

14 October 2024

Weekly Market Review

What Happened & What's Next

16 July 2024

Rencana Perubahan KIK dan Prospektus Reksa Dana BCISEU

Flash Notes


Sehubungan dengan banyaknya kasus penipuan yang menyalahgunakan nama BPAM, dengan ini kami menghimbau untuk berhati – hati dan selalu waspada terhadap modus penipuan terkait penawaran investasi yang dilakukan melalui media sosial lain selain dari media sosial resmi BPAM sebagaimana yang disebutkan di bawah ini:

Situs resmi : www.bpam.co.id

Medsos :

  • youtube - Batavia Reksadana
  • Instagram - batavia_reksadana
  • Facebook - Batavia Reksadana



  1. Menjanjikan keuntungan tidak wajar dalam waktu cepat
  2. Menjanjikan bonus dari perekrutan anggota baru “member get member”
  3. Memanfaatkan tokoh masyarakat/ tokoh agama/Public Figure untuk menarik minat berinvestasi
  4. Klaim tanpa risiko (free risk)
  5. Legalitas tidak jelas
  6. Tidak memiliki izin usaha
  7. Memiliki izin kelembagaan (PT, Koperasi, CV, Yayasan, dll) tapi tidak punya izin saham
  8. Memiliki izin kelembagaan dan izin usaha namun melakukan kegiatan yang tidak sesuai dengan izinnya.

Our Products

  • Batavia Dana Kas Maxima

    An open-ended mutual fund which invests 100% in money market instruments, cash equivalents and/or debt securities having maturity date of not more than 1 year and/or remaining maturity date not more than 1 year.

  • Batavia Dana Likuid

    An open-ended fund which invests 100% in money market instruments and/or cash equivalents issued under governing laws and regulation of the Republic of Indonesia.

  • Batavia Dana Dinamis

    An open-ended mutual fund which invests in equity and debt securities and/or money market instruments, with composition of minimum 40% and maximum 79% in equity securities and minimum 1% and maximum 40% in debt securities; and/or minimum 0% and maximum 40% in money market instruments and/or cash equivalents issued under governing laws and regulation of the Republic of Indonesia.

  • Batavia USD Balanced Asia

    A USD denominated open-ended mutual fund which invests in equity and debt securities and/or money market instruments listed in Asian Stock Exchanges (excluding Japan). This fund invests in minimum 1% and maximum 30% of equity securities and minimum 5% and maximum 79% in debt securities; and/or minimum 5% and maximum 79% in money market instruments and/or debt securities having maturity date of not more than 1 (one) year and/or remaining maturity date not more than 1 (one) year.

  • Batavia Dana Saham

    A large-cap open-ended equity mutual fund which invests minimum 80% and maximum 100% equity securities; and minimum 0% and maximum 20% in money market and/or cash equivalents issued under governing laws and regulation of the Republic of Indonesia.

  • Batavia Dana Saham Optimal

    An all-cap open-ended equity mutual fund which focuses on investing in selected medium to small cap stocks. This fund invests minimum 80% and maximum 95% in equity securities; and minimum 0% and maximum 20% in money market instruments having maturity date of not more than 1 year and/or remaining maturity date not more than 1 year issued under governing laws and regulation of the Republic of Indonesia.

  • Batavia Saham ESG Impact

    An open-ended equity mutual fund which invests minimum 80% and maximum 100% equity securities; and minimum 0% and maximum 20% in money market and/or cash equivalents issued under governing laws and regulation of the Republic of Indonesia.

  • Batavia Disruptive Equity

    An open-ended Mutual Fund which invests in equity securities, and domestic money market instruments, and/or deposits, in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations in Indonesia.

  • Batavia Pendapatan Tetap Optimal Syariah

    Is an open-ended Mutual Fund in the form of a Collective Investment Contract with type of product Fixed Income Fund.

  • Batavia Dana Saham Syariah

    An open-ended Sharia equity mutual fund which invests minimum 80% and maximum 100% in equity securities that comply to Sharia principles in the capital market; and minimum 0% and maximum 20% in money market instruments and/or fixed income securities that comply to Sharia principles in the capital market. 

  • Batavia Global ESG Sharia Equity USD

    An open-ended Sharia equity offshore mutual fund.

  • Batavia Dana Kas Syariah

    An open-ended mutual fund which invests in Sharia Money Market Instruments, and/or Fixed Income Sharia Securities which its maturity of not more than one year, and/or the remaining maturity is not more than one year, and/or Sharia deposits that comply with the principles of Sharia in the Indonesian Capital Market.

  • Batavia China Impact Sharia Equity USD

    An open-ended Sharia offshore equity mutual fund

  • Batavia Technology Sharia Equity USD

    An open-ended Sharia offshore equity mutual fund

  • Batavia LQ 45 Plus

    An open-ended equity mutual fund which invests minimum 80% and maximum 100% in equity securities listed on LQ45 index; and minimum 0% and maximum 20% in equity securities and/or money market instruments and/or cash equivalents issued under governing laws and regulation of the Republic of Indonesia.

  • Batavia Index PEFINDO i-Grade

    Is an open-ended Mutual Fund in the form of a Collective Investment Contract with an index Mutual Fund product type.

  • Batavia Smart Liquid ETF

    An exchange-traded fund which invests minimum 80% and maximum 100% in equity securities offered through a public offering and/or traded on the Stock Exchange; and minimum 0% and maximum 20% in money market instruments and/or time deposits.

  • Batavia IDX30 ETF

    An exchange-traded fund which invests minimum 80% and maximum 100% equity securities traded on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and also listed on IDX30 index; and minimum 0% and maximum 20% in money market instruments and/or time deposits.

  • Batavia SRI-KEHATI ETF

    An exchange-traded fund which invests minimum 80% and maximum 100% equity securities traded on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and also listed on SRI-KEHATI index; and minimum 0% and maximum 20% in domestic money market instruments and/or time deposits.

Why Invest With BPAM

At BPAM, commitment to achieve clients’ diverse financial goals is key. Being a fundamental active manager who emphasizes on the strength of internal research, we thrive in maintaining our reputation and in delivering a solid track record of consistent and strong performance over the years.

Our expertise in asset allocation together with our meticulous risk mitigation strategy have paved our way to be the largest private asset management company in Indonesia. Supported by our competent personnel in all respective areas, BPAM offers a complete range of funds to suit different investment appetite and is trusted to manage funds from individuals as well as institutions such as pension funds, foundations, and corporations.

How To Invest

Whether you like your investing journey to be simple and informative or comprehensive and practical, BPAM offers 2 different investment corridors from which to choose.

All transactions received before 13:00 Jakarta time will be processed using NAV on the same transaction date. All transactions received after 13:00 Jakarta time will be processed using NAV on the following bourse day. Please contact our Distributors or BPAM Customer Care Center for further information.